The movie is predicated upon two early novels from the Arjun collection...KHUN KHARAPI and SITAHORON ROHOSYO. Arjun is an aspirant detective who's influenced by his mentor/information Amol Shome. mission. A Chinese language prison Juan Hanzi has arrange base on the hill station Kalimpong. He intends to rob the Tibetan treasure buried beneath Kalimpongs Durpin Da Ra monastery. By the way, Amol Shome's previous good friend Bistubabu refers an NRI resident of Kalimpong to hunt for recommendation from Amol at across the identical time. That individual is Mr.Sen and his father was the architect who designed the monastery and a duplicate of the plans are hidden in his home. An unidentified individual is threatening Mr Roy. Arjun goes via the journey of discovering the entire perpetrator behind this operation and in addition decipher clues to safe the blueprints of the monastery.