Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Brangelina...One of the crucial iconic and sought-after movie star {couples}. For greater than a decade, the glamorous pair fascinated and have been idolised by many. For some time, it appeared that Brangelina was the proper love story and that nothing would be capable of take away the shine of their romance. However...behind closed doorways, behind the glitz, the glamour, and the celebrity, the golden couple started to crumble. Earlier than all of it went mistaken, we check out the couple that can all the time be remembered as probably the most charismatic, enigmatic and compelling duos of present-day Hollywood. Out of a film set encounter, a fictional romance became a real-life romance for 2 of essentially the most well-known actors of the trendy Hollywood scene. After a decade of hysteria, the world grieved the lack of one of many world's most influential and gifted duos. They've come a good distance, they usually reached an affect by no means earlier than seen within the trade, each collectively, and aside.