The story surrounds the lives of Dr. Rehman (Shashi Kapoor) who believes in saving the lives of the poor, as a substitute of opening up a clinic in an enormous metropolis and earning profits; Soni (Rekha), an harmless village lady, who was kidnapped by dacoits throughout her marriage with Dharma (Puneet Issar), and when the police rescue her and produce her again to her groom, he and his household reject her, making her appear to be a fallen lady; Dr. Kumar (Ashok Kumar) who's the very reverse of Dr. Rehman; and Dr. Anand (Vinod Mehra), the son of Dr. Kumar. Dr. Anand practices underneath Dr. Rehman, who testified for him throughout a legal trial for malpractice which resulted within the dying of the husband of Rani Sahiba (Moon Moon Sen). Soni has fallen in love with Dr. Anand, however Dr. Anand has robust reservations towards her, because of her background.