Vacationer House is a 2013 Malayalam thriller movie directed by Shebi. The movie traces a collection of incidents that happen within the 10 rooms of a vacationer house. The plot revolves across the following characters: two younger boys who've a nasty previous as a result of their unethical lives, an previous man who has come for the medical assist for his grand son within the medical school, a policeman and a whore, a girl who's compelled to go looking illegal means to earn cash to satisfy the medical bills for her ailing husband, a person who concern to attend an interview and his buddy, an astrologer who chants other ways to get a peaceable thoughts, a daughter who tries to remind the unethical methods of her father, a girl, her daughter and dance grasp to take part in a dance actuality present, a girl who has come to abort her being pregnant from her husband's buddy, and a gang who has taken a room for playing, who're all staying in that ten rooms of the Vacationer House.