The movie unfolds after eight individuals and a baby get caught within the raise. They embrace the raise operator (Indrajith), a police commissioner (Ganesh Kumar), the condo's builder and his dancer-wife (Baiju and Remya Nambeesan, respectively), an alcoholic author (Prathap Pothen), an IT skilled and his girlfriend (Rejith Menon and Sruti Menon, respectively), an American-returnee (Nandhu) and a younger boy (Grasp Devaraman), who intermittently retains enquiring about his mom (Meghana Raj). They're on their approach as much as the highest ground to participate within the constructing society's anniversary celebrations. Abruptly, the area turns into a type of an altered actuality. It turns into a spot the place the true turns into unreal; the place feelings are uncooked and additional delicate. It even prompts the very nature of the characters to vary and secrets and techniques to be revealed.