The story thinly revolves round energy scarcity aptly freshened up by ample doses of motion, comedy and love. Viraat Prasad (Darshan) is a businessman who needs to offer an answer to the present energy downside and in session with the chief minister, a task performed by Suhasini, he plans to construct a thermal energy venture. Enter Surendra Singh (Ravi Shankar), an opportunist, who tries to distract the chief minister and take over the venture. However the venture is handed over to Viraat which doesn't go down effectively with Singh. Balancing the friction and the motion is romance involving three women - Keerthi (Chaitra Chandranath), Spoorthi (Vidisha Srivastava) and Preethi (Isha Chawla), who're head over heels for Viraat, however the latter chooses one amongst them, managing to take care of his friendship with the opposite two. How does he deal with Singh and the thermal venture and who does he choose as his love runs in parallel and types the crux of the movie.